18 August 2010


The things you discover about a home as you prepare to move out of it:
  • Some of the roller shades are light-blocking, others are not...I just moved all the light-blockers to the living room and bedrooms.
  • There's more space here than we originally thought...eliminating crap aids with this realization.
  • Despite the fact that this home was built in the early 1900's and possesses none of our contemporary design preferences...it has an awful lot of character.
  • Selling your kitchen table months before you move isn't the brightest idea until you discover the simple pleasure of dining al fresco at the picnic table your husband built with your father during your first Christmas in this home.
  • A screened front porch is a really nice feature to have.
  • If we ever build our own home, I know I definitely do NOT want ceramic tile in the bathroom unless it's self-cleaning. 
Last, but not least...
  • We've made a whole lot of memories in this home and I'm pretty sure we're going to miss it when we leave.

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